Saturday, February 14, 2015

How Great the Wisdom and the Love is... on Valentines Day

A couple years ago I taught a lesson on the Plan of Salvation as outlined in the scriptures. We discussed the epic nature of it all, how it's a journey narrative, on a scale that surpasses anything like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, or the most grand adventures our wandering minds as strangers and pilgrims can imagine.  I divided it up into a trilogy. The War in Heaven (ends with incomprehensible tragedy), Earth the Temporal Frontier (we have yet to see the end of this episode), and Armageddon/To Infinity and Beyond... (You get the idea?).

I had someone (Bro Young to be specific) make the comment about how it almost plays out like a love story. The Savior being the Hero, and the Atonement being the ultimate sacrifice and redemption. Love has the power to transform every character in the story. This story is my story. Your story? This life is about learning to love. Charity. About watching others use their agency and loving them in-spite of their choices. It's about love. EPIC love.

So this is my Valentine compliments of an elect lady, Eliza “rocks my world” Snow. A few verses from one of my favorite hymns about the Plan of Happiness, and God's heroic and all-encompassing wisdom and love.
How great the wisdom and the love
That filled the courts on high
And sent the Savior from above
To suffer, bleed, and die!

He marked the path and led the way,
And ev'ry point defines
To light and life and endless day
Where God's full presence shines.

How great, how glorious, how complete
Redemption's grand design,
Where justice, love, and mercy meet
In harmony divine!

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